Cyclicity of Moves in the Introduction Section of Research Articles Written by Filipino Academic Writers in Applied Linguistics
Rodrigo C. Morales, Ph.D.
| Alvin Dumas, MAEd
rhetorical structure; cyclicity of moves; introduction section; research articles; Filipino academic writers; applied linguistics;
Pages: 1-22
Narratives of Kalagan Women on Life’s Challenging Journey and Aspirations
Randy A. Tudy
| Ida G. Tudy
social science; indigenous people; Kalagan; narratives; phenomenology; Philippines;
Pages: 23-40
Threatened and Endemic Flora and Fauna From Mount Agad-Agad, Iligan City, Southern Philippines
Victor B. Amoroso
| Maria Melanie M. Guiang
| Fulgent P. Coritico
| Alma B. Mohagan
| Erl Pfian T. Maglangit
| Romeo R. Patano, Jr.
| Joevina C. Nobleza
| Olga M. Nuñeza
biodiversity; conservation; Lanao del Norte; Mindanao island; local conservation area;
Pages: 71-102
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