Morphological and Chemical Characterization and Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Native Yam (Dioscorea sp.) Germplasm Collections Conserved at the NPGRL
Maria Lea H. VillavicencioThreatened and Endemic Flora and Fauna From Mount Agad-Agad, Iligan City, Southern Philippines
Victor B. Amoroso | Maria Melanie M. Guiang | Fulgent P. Coritico | Alma B. Mohagan | Erl Pfian T. Maglangit | Romeo R. Patano, Jr. | Joevina C. Nobleza | Olga M. NuñezaLocal Ecological Knowledge and Conservation Attitudes of Fishers Regarding Shrimps and Crabs in Panguil Bay, Northwestern Mindanao, Philippines
Ivane R. Pedrosa-Gerasmio